Wednesday 28 March 2012

History of Advertising.

'An essential component of any competitive market economy: driving growth and dynamism' (Hegarty, 2011, p7

Advertising was greatly effected by the large scale colour printing technology developed in the 19C. This printing break through led to the Lever Brothers soap advertisements. The strategies used point towards the big advertising companies Bernbach and Hegarty. This was the beginning of ad's which used art and technology to display their product to the public. Such as the sunlight soap. The advances in printing means that the packaging was colourful and attracted the eye with the appealing colours

This advert, although not around at the same time as the soap one above still emphasises some of the great things about advertising. The simplicity of the advert means that the product itself doesn't even need to be seen if you have a Gorilla banging on the drums.

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