Monday 31 October 2011

Gabriel Ba..

Ba is one of the main artists who has inspired me throughout this project. His collaboration with Gerard Way to create these characters was how mine was in itself created. His superheroes (such as Space Boy. above) Show a good deal of similarities to 'Watchmen'. I like the dark colours he uses and the sharp lines for his characters to make them look gruff and battle worn.

Above is 'The White Violin' a very interesting character in terms of her powers and her motivation. After being cast out of her family of super naturally gifted brothers and sisters she turns to evil and is transformed in the 'White Violin' by an evil organisation. Her powers come in the form of cataclysmically destructive music which she uses to try and destroy the world.
   These weird powers made me think to try something different and give Piro No supernatural abilities but just the perception that he has. For example he can run incredibly fast over long distances

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