Saturday 29 October 2011

Piro's Home (inside)..

This is the original image I used to base Piro's home on, as you can see
there have been drastic changes.

This is the environment before it was made into 'live paint'

Post live-paint 

This is the inside of Piro's home. As you can see it is a very simple establishment
and has little comfort factor. This is due to the time he lives in and most luxuries 
(like duvets and cushions) were destroyed in the nuclear holocaust. As you can see,
his weapons of choice are displayed around his home to make it look more like 
Piro's. The painting in the left corner is a painting of Hermes the god he has 'faith' in.
However it is not so much a faith as a comparison due to his incredible fitness and stamina.

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