Thursday, 10 May 2012

FIFA 12 textures and the awful, awful crowd.

Already I have talked about Go3 and Skyrim but games which don't really 'need' good texturing are still worth noting when they have good texturing. For example FIFA 12 is purely designed for the footballing experience but over recent years the texturing and modelling has improved dramatically. The faces of the players now look nigh on identical to their real counterparts.

The two images above show Cesc Fabregas a player for FC Barcalona. The evidence of the intent to make the players look as life like as possible is clear as they have textured and modelled everything down to the last hair on his face.
     However FIFA 12 also shows some of the worst attempts at modelling i have ever seen, this is by way of the crowd in the background. Like i said the texturing is not a main focus of FIFA 12 but the crowds animation is so depressingly shit that it needs to be sorted out. Multiple people will always stand up to cheer and never move independently of each other. they will often wear the same clothes and look the same facially as well. I mention this because bad textures need to be addressed as well as the good ones 

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