Thursday 10 May 2012

Skyrim's Texture

Skyrim's texturing is one of the best i have ever witnessed while playing any game. Bethesda have really out done themselves with the quality and detail of very single plant flower and animal in the game.
        The quality of the texturing actually makes the game a lot more fun to play as the reality factor is greatly increased so players are felt to be part of this world.

 The dragons especially are textured to perfection and look as good (ish) as the CGI on a lot of major recent blockbusters. The most impressive part of the dragon is its intricate scale patterns which cover its body. I have come to appreciate this due to working in Unity and Maya, and that to have a well textured model needs to be achieved if you're going to have it as an asset.
     The details are what make Skyrim one of the best games ever made, the skyboxes have bee crafted to perfection depicting weather changes including massive foreboding clouds showing coming rain or snow or going up to the highest peaks and seeing the 'northern lights'


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