Thursday 10 May 2012

Gears of War 3 Texturing

The texturing on Gears of War is another game that has come out that has stunned audiences with its graphics and asset modelling. This is however very different from Skyrim visually. Gears of war always seems a lot darker which is obviously to link with the mood of 3 and the trilogy in general. The dark haze which settles over everything along with the destroyed cities dead people and rampant alien monsters killing everyone means that dark colours are used frequently. Nothing ever looks new or pristine and nothing ever looks nice.

The textures are also indicative of the sheer brutality which takes place in the game. This ultra realism combined with the excellent texturing makes you feel like you're playing a film. This is further supported by the storyline which really well voice acted and is written coherently and intelligently. You may say that this has nothing to do with the texturing but without this combination of texturing and acting you would have a game which was no where near as good as this.

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